This is just a package cornbread mix I cooked in the rice cooker. It turned out well too. Enjoy! P.S. If you’re interested in my personal top ten tips that helped me lose weight while intermittent fasting, don’t forget to go to the form in the sidebar and request your copy.
All things food and styles of eating mostly keto and Mediterranean, the importance of real food, and healthier recipes including any I have adapted for myself.
Bean Dip a Recipe from the Younger Me in a Rice Cooker
When I was a young adult my best friend and I used to make bean dip. This is a slight twist on that recipe since we used ground beef rather than turkey and made a larger batch and didn’t use a rice cooker, but it still was good, and a reminder of my youth. This …
Bean Dip a Recipe from the Younger Me in a Rice CookerRead More
Tomato Chorizo Rice in a Rice Cooker
This an experiment from a real recipe to make in the rice cooker. It actually was pretty good. When you live in an RV you have to get creative sometimes. Right now I’m making things in the rice cooker to see if they work, because in the summer it is too hot to cook in …
Kodiak Blueberry Mix in a Rice Cooker
This is a making of the Kodiak Blueberry Muffin mix in a rice cooker as a cake. Since it’s a 1-3 person rice cooker, the picture is on a dinner size paper plate to give a visual on how big the cake is. I used the recipe on the box but just cooked it in …
Chicken Jicama Soup
This is a complete experiment, from the ingredients all the way. I would try adding garlic next time, and I would cut the jicama into smaller cubes. If you try it I’d love your feedback and suggestions. The ingredients are simple and as follows: 1 chicken thigh 1 shallot 1 Anaheim pepper 1 small jicama …
Rice Cooker Chicken and Potato Soup
Chicken soup is a comfort food. I’ve never been able to have just one or two portions without having to eat it for a week. I’ve made it in the rice cooker now and I only make enough for one or two portions. It’s perfect! The recipe is easy and you could substitute noodles for …