The question does herbal tea break a fast will be answered in this article in relation to intermittent fasting. The answer is both yes and no depending on what type of fasting you are doing. There are different ways and reasons for each fasting experience. The concern with intermittent fasting is to not create an …
Things that help the body heal and repair on it’s own that are natural or only minimally man made. Things that support overall health and well being.
Your Mindset Changes Everything
When I started intermittent fasting I didn’t set out also change my “diet“. By diet I mean food generally, not a diet specifically for weight loss. But since mindset changes everything, and I was looking to improve my health, I permanently lost weight. At the start I was also trying to eat keto meals during …
Fighting a Cold: One of the Horehound Tea Benefits
I wrote this at least a year ago and lost track of where I’d saved it. It’s still good info about Horehound so I thought I’d share it. This past week I had a cold. I spent the first night on the couch with pillows so I could sleep more sitting up so i could …