When I started intermittent fasting I didn’t set out also change my “diet“. By diet I mean food generally, not a diet specifically for weight loss. But since mindset changes everything, and I was looking to improve my health, I permanently lost weight. At the start I was also trying to eat keto meals during my feeding window, but did not, nor did I expect to change to a keto lifestyle.
As and aside, it may be beneficial to know that I was over 55 when I started. I had carried probably an extra 50 pounds for the previous 30 years. I had the hard belly fat, which was probably caked around my organs and I felt like crap all the time. I’ve lost weight and I’ve lost the belly fat. I also have felt better.
My motivation for losing weight was the way I felt. I had already begun reading labels, so I was in the process of watching what I ate anyway. But you can still eat poorly even if you’re careful. It’s not the best example but consider sugar because it’s in almost everything. Even though you’ve read the label and it’s cane sugar, not GMO beet sugar, it is still processed white sugar. Processed food is still unhealthy.
My diet slowly changed and intermittent fasting is still a part of my life. But it is this change of mindset that makes it possible to lose the weigh and improve health permanently. So while I didn’t consciously set out to change my mindset, I wanted to make you aware of it so that you can.
Anyone can do it
You can make it happen for yourself by planning to change your mind. You don’t have to wait until you feel like crap all the time. Or you can lose the weight, then go back to doing what you did before. Just don’t expect your body to not go back to the way it was before too.
The mind is a powerful thing. People can literally live or die because of what they believe. I think it explains why some people are hypochondriacs. They have the real symptoms, yet nothing is physically wrong with them.
People can live or die based on their thoughts. With such a powerful tool at your disposal, why not use it for good? Do you agree that your mindset changes everything? You will need it if you want to permanently change.
There’s a lot to be said for willpower. But this is a life or a philosophy change. You have to see the food differently. And you have to accept that some of the things you ate as food in the past, were not food at all. Or some foods are so bastardized it’s only an unhealthy remnant of the food that it was. Much of what we eat today is basically poison, or has been poisoned with glyphosate. Slow poison, but the effects are still there.
Your mindset will changes everything
Once you have had results, it is amazing how your body will begin to encourage you. Either by the way it feels, you feel good, or by seeing/feeling how it changes and slims down.
One day you will look in the mirror see the person you haven’t seen in years. And if you change your mindset and are committed, you will see that person the rest of your days, and it will be the fat person who disappears never to be seen again.
P.S. If you’re interested in my personal top ten tips that helped me lose weight while intermittent fasting, don’t forget to go to the form in the sidebar and request your copy.